Before the weekend I video chatted with a few friends of the podcast to see how they were doing during the Coronavirus outbreak.

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Before the weekend I jumped on a bunch of video calls with some friends of the podcast and chatted about how the Coronavirus has effected their professional lives as well as their personal.
I recorded a total of 5 video calls with Amber Vittoria, Jon Key, Alex Center, Carly Ayres & Sebastian Speier, and Rich Tu.
In our conversations, we spoke about how creatives are fortunate to have the ability to work remotely and if this will solidify that understanding. We also talked about daily routines and using this time to try and incorporate new positive habits. You can listen to each conversation below:
Amber Vittoria
Jon Key
Alex Center
Carly Ayres & Sebastian Speier
Rich Tu
It is kind of crazy to think video chatting will potentially be something we do more of in the future to connect with friends and family.
What are your thoughts on working remotely? Have you done it before? Is it something you enjoy or dislike? Leave a comment below this article and let us know.
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